Electrical Safety Condition Reports for Rental Properties | Basingstoke & Surrounds

Wiring image related to Electrical Installation Certification Reports​ for Landlords of rental properties

Electrical Safety Condition Report Discounts For Loyal Smart Electrics Customers

Did you know that if you need Smart Electrics to perform an Electrical Safety Condition Report (ESCR) at your rental property, or a property you are managing,  at regular intervals of 6 or 12 months, then we’re happy to negotiate a loyalty discount for repeat customers – just ask our friendly team!

Submit an ESCR Enquiry

Please feel free to Contact Us to enquire about or book an Electrical Safety Condition Report (ESCR) appointment for your rental property in Basingstoke, or the surrounding area.

Why Are Electrical Safety Condition Reports & Testing For Private Rental Properties Needed?

As of the 1st July 2020 new tenancies must ensure the national electrical safety standards set out in the 18th edition of the ‘Wiring Regulations’ (British Standard 7671) are met.

The Electrical Safety Standards in the Private Rented Sector Regulations 2020 require landlords to have the electrical installations in their properties inspected and tested by a person who is qualified and competent, at least every five years. They must also provide a copy of the report (known as the Electrical Safety Condition Report or EICR) to tenants, and to the local authority if requested. Should the EICR require investigative or remedial works, landlords will have to carry this out.

Landlords of privately rented accommodation, including houses in multiple occupation, must:

  • Ensure national electrical safety standards set out in the 18th edition of the ‘Wiring Regulations’ (British Standard 7671) are met.
  • Ensure the electrical installations in their rented properties are inspected and tested by a qualified and competent person at least every 5 years.
  • Obtain a report from the person conducting the inspection and test which gives the results and sets a date for the next inspection and test.
  • Supply a copy of this report to the existing tenant within 28 days of the inspection and test.
  • Supply a copy of this report to a new tenant before they occupy the premises.
  • Supply a copy of this report to any prospective tenant within 28 days of receiving a request for the report.
  • Supply the local authority with a copy of this report within 7 days of receiving a request for a copy.
  • Retain a copy of the report to give to the inspector and tester who will undertake the next inspection and test.
  • Where the report shows that remedial or further investigative work is necessary, complete this work within 28 days or any shorter period if specified as necessary in the report.
  • Supply written confirmation of the completion of the remedial works from the electrician to the tenant and the local authority within 28 days of completion of the works.

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