CCTV & Security Systems for Farms & Rural Properties in/around Basingstoke

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Criminals Target Machinery & Quad Bikes During Farm Crime Increase

The Basingstoke Gazette newspaper recently reported that the police would be visiting farms across Basingstoke following a recent increase in crime. The article reported:

“Rural crime can cost businesses thousands of pounds and in some cases have a significant economical effect on them with not only the loss of machinery, but the increase for all of us with insurance premiums too.”

The article also mentioned the team from Basingstoke Cops said the crimes include burglary, criminal damage and poaching and criminals are are targeting mechanical machinery and quad bikes.

Improving Security for Rural Property/Premises around Basingstoke, Hants

Not only do Smart Electrics offer electrician services for agricultural, rural and farm premises, we are also experts in CCTV system installation and monitoring services. With this latest news on the increase in crimes targeting rural properties you may like to find out more about the services we offer:

cowshed stable on dairy farm

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Additional Information

The Basingstoke Gazette article also included the following advice from police:

  • If you see something suspicious then report it, either using 101 or online on our website
    If you see a crime in action you can ring 999
  • Been offered something for sale that you suspect is stolen? Then again report it.
  • Want to report something anonymously? Call crime stoppers the independent charity on 0800 555 111

Credit: Basingstoke Gazette

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